My 5th grade teacher once told me, "Treat your body like a temple, don't throw garbage in it".
I have always treated mine as a temple, although I must confess that recently I have become more religious.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Vertical Garden: Can herbs grow up your wall?

Cilantro, Rosemary, Basil, Sage, Parsley - If I have boys, will they disown me if I name them after ...

For the love of fresh herbs in my food and the aesthetic appeal for plants indoors, I decided to not only grow herbs in my apartment but grow them vertically.

The Living Roof at the Caltech Academy of Sciences and the concept of the Living Wall at Google headquarters in Palo Alto inspired me to grow a herb garden in an apartment setting which would not only save space but will be so aesthetically and environmentally appealing.

My research suggested that the concept of vertical gardens is fairly common in cities in Europe, Australia and Dubai. Even Saks Fifth Avenue of Palm Beach, FL has a beautiful living vertical wall!!
Saks Fifth Avenue - Living Wall @ Palm Beach, FL

My search started on how to easily grow a vertical herb garden in my living space -
Video #1: Grow plants without soil that water themselves!!
Of course there is hydroponics and timers involved.
This shows a DIY tutorial on growing a self-sustaining vertical garden using a hydroponic watering system and a soil-less "Rockwool" growing medium.

Video #2: DIY using Woolly Wally!
An easier DIY solution is provided via a company that manufactures breathable pockets that can be easily installed on your walls that enable vertical farming. They have some amazing vertical garden art on their site. They even grow vertical gardens on shipping containers! Absolutely ridiculously amazing!
Living Wall Art - Woolly Wally

I am growing my vertical garden and will post pictures when ready.

If you have experience in vertical gardening and would like to share information, do send pictures or thoughts.
Or have experience on growing plants indoors with minimal sunlight? I would love to hear from you.

Video # 1

Video # 2

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