My 5th grade teacher once told me, "Treat your body like a temple, don't throw garbage in it".
I have always treated mine as a temple, although I must confess that recently I have become more religious.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

What's wrong with our food system - from TED talks

My husband recently installed our new Apple TV and we watched the loaded podcasts. Here is one of them that I found particularly interesting - 11-Year Old Birke Baehr talks about "What's wrong with our food system". He talks about how the advertising industry entice young buyers into buying their products that may not always be good for them. He also encourages the green, organic and local food production and consumption.

Online link to watch the full podcast -

Video embedded -


Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for starting this blog. I am glad you shared this video. I have been looking for something like this for a while now. Keep it coming.


Tisha Agarwal said...

Dear Reader,
I am glad you liked the blog and the entries were helpful to you.
